I'm Leticia, your new online Spanish teacher. Can you believe that I never planned on being a Spanish instructor until after I became one seven years ago? Keep on scrolling to find out how I got here

Leticia López Martínez sitting outdoors with the city of Lublin behind

I graduated with a degree in English Studies from the University of Murcia. During my 3rd year, I studied abroad in Poland where I got my first job teaching Spanish as a Spanish Language Assistant at a local high school

Leticia López Martínez sitting on her back in the open air with houses of the city of Lublin behind

I loved that experience so much that I decided to get a Master's Degree in Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language at the University of Alcalá

Leticia López Martínez and three students giving Spanish classes in a cafeteria

While getting my Master's, I worked in a Spanish school in Madrid where I taught students from more than 30 different countries! 🌍

Leticia López Martínez speaking at an international congress of Spanish

Now I am working at the University where I teach Spanish as a foreign language

Desk full of books where Leticia López Martínez works at the University of Lublin

I really like developing professionally so I just got a PhD in Applied Linguistics

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El Mundo con ELE is my personal and professional project. This is the perfect place to develop your Spanish from a native Spanish teacher, who has years of advanced teaching experiences. Don't believe me? Check out what past alumni have said, or contact me for more information! I am looking forward to meeting you soon 👩🏼‍💻


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